About Young Arthur

Hi All,

I am Young Arthur, a 21 year old living with Seronegative Inflammatory Arthritis, or Arthur.

This blog is designed to allow me to connect with other people with arthritis and to share the highs and lows of living with Arthur. 

My diagnosis story is a complex one and is not yet complete, but the trials and tribulations of getting a diagnosis is something many with arthritis can relate to. Despite not having a solid diagnosis, I am being treated for arthritis and I would like to share my experiences of attending appointments and the decision making process which has lead me to try the medications I have. I want to show people how it is possible to advocate for yourself in a time where the health services are under such strain, and I want to show that it is possible to live well with arthritis. 

You can find me on Twitter at @Pinger_Genguin 

You can find me on Instagram at @rheum.chronicles


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